If you’re seeing references to HTML and CSS in your website dashboard and as you’re building your site, here’s a quick explanation of what these two web languages do and how they are used.


HTML is the web language that allows you to change the content itself (specific text, images, etc.) You can write and alter HTML with code, or you can use a website builder like Maple Builder to alter your website’s HTML in a more user-friendly, drag-and-drop way. Most web designers use a builder.


CSS is a web language that allows you to change the style of your website (such as colors, font, and standard sizing). If HTML changes where things appear on the page and the text and images that appear in these sections, CSS alters how they look by creating standard fonts, sizing, and other stylistic components.

Your website theme comes with a standard CSS style guide. You can customize some of these features in the customization menu of your website dashboard. Your website theme comes with a standard CSS style guide. You can customize some of these features in the customization menu of your website dashboard. To learn how, view this tutorial.

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